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Our Visions Services

Comprehensive Eye Exams

Why is an Eye Exam so important? 

Routine appointments with your eye doctor is key to improving and keeping your vision strong and healthy.  Eye diseases are common and often do  not have obvious signs or symptoms, so you might not even know there is an issue until it's too late.  Receiving regularly eye exams can allow for early diagnosis and treatment to help preserve your vision.

In addition, our doctors have the ability to detect other health conditions including (but not limited to) high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes.  As you can see, maintaining visits with your optometrist is a great way to stay in control of your overall health. 

What tests are performed? 

The examination includes tests to evaluate visual acuity (sharpness), depth perception, eye alignment, eye movement, visual field defects, and color vision deficiencies.  A refraction is performed to determine the prescription and as well as a review of the overall health of the eyes.   Eye drops may be used to make your pupils larger so your eye doctor can better see inside your eyes and check for signs of health problems. 

New to our office as of August 2023!

During your comprehensive annual eye exam, the optomap® ultra-widefield retinal exam can be utilized to monitor for ocular complications including macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and retinal holes or detachments. These problems can develop without warning and sometimes with no signs or symptoms.

This advanced technology also allows your doctor to see small details that can assist with detecting systemic problems such as
diabetes, hypertension, cancer/tumors, auto-immune disorders, and others

The optomap® Retinal Exam

  • Is as fast as taking a picture.
  • DOES NOT REQUIRE DILATING DROPS. You may not need to be dilated at your visit, potentially eliminating a 30-minute wait and avoiding side effects such as blurry vision and light sensitivity.
  • Saved in your file enabling our doctors to make important comparisons during your annual eye exam. 

Our doctors strongly believe that the optomap® ultra-widefield retinal exam is an essential part of your comprehensive eye exam and prescribes it for all patients, young and old, once per year. It is our belief that an eye exam without this element is incomplete.

Contact Lens Fittings & Exams

What's the difference between Contact Lens Fitting vs Eye Exam?

If you've ever considered wearing contact lenses, you'll want to know how they will feel and whether or not they are a better alternative than eye glasses.  The contact lens fitting and exam is the first step in ensuring that the type of contacts selected are best suited for your unique visual requirements.  With the vast number of different contact lens options available in today's market, it can be quite overwhelming to know what is right for you, so let our vision experts help make the appropriate recommendations. 

In addition to vision evaluation that comprises the eye exam, it is always important to make sure your contact lenses continue to fit properly and comfortably.   During the contact lens consultation, our eye doctors take measurements to assess whether the contact lens matches the curvature of your eyes. This is essential in order to prevent eye discomfort, blurry vision, and possibly damage to the eye.  

Management of Ocular Diseases

More than just a prescription

Understanding how systemic diseases can affect the eyes is crucial in preventing further long-term health complications.  With regular check-ups and ongoing treatment, our goal is to correct and stop the progression of ocular disease.  

Our doctors utilize cutting edge technology to diagnose and develop a management plan for common eye diseases such as:
  • Cataracts 
  • Glaucoma 
  • Macular Degeneration
  • Diabetic Retinopathy

Eye Emergencies

Skip the visit to the physician's office

Many patients are unaware that their local optometrist is actually the first place they should see when dealing with an eye emergency.   Our highly skilled doctors are trained to provide care for these eye urgencies.


  • Eye infection
  • Foreign object removal
  • Uncomfortable, painful, eye irritation
  • Red, itchy eyes 
  • Scratched eye


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